Organizations and Websites with Additional Resources

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Organizations and Websites with additional Resources

We are proud to partner with many wonderful organizations in the schools, districts, and countries where we work. Our partners and other organizations and resources we admire are listed below.

  • Bioneers Indigeneity Curriculum 
    “The Bioneers Indigeneity Program is the go-to source for accurate and contemporary information about Indigenous science, media, and curriculum for social change. This body of curricula is developed by Native experts and designed to Indigenous pedagogy that supports multiple learning styles. Native students can see themselves and their cultures represented in school, and non-Native students are exposed to accurate histories, cultures, and knowledge of Native Peoples.”
  • Morningside Center for Teaching Social Responsibility
    “Morningside Center works hand in hand with educators to help young people develop the values, personal qualities, and skills they need to thrive and contribute to their communities—from the classroom to the world.”
  • The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence RULER Project
    “The Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence uses the power of emotions to create a more effective and compassionate society. The Center conducts research and teaches people of all ages how to develop their emotional intelligence. RULER is an acronym that stands for Recognizing, Understanding, Labeling, Expressing and Regulating emotions.”
  • Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
    “CASEL is the world’s leading organization advancing one of the most important fields of education in decades: the practice of promoting integrated academic, social and emotional learning for all children in preschool through high school.”
  • Welcoming Schools, A Project of the Human Rights Campaign Foundation
    “Welcoming Schools offers professional development tools, lessons aligned with the Common Core State Standards, and many additional resources for elementary schools on: embracing family diversity, creating LGBTQ-inclusive schools, preventing bias-based bullying, supporting transgender and gender expansive students.”
  • Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network (GLSEN)
    “Every day GLSEN works to ensure that LGBT students are able to learn and grow in a school environment free from bullying and harassment.”
  • Anti-Defamation League (ADL)
    “ADL fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all.”
  • Teaching Tolerance, A Project of the Southern Poverty Law Center
    “Teaching Tolerance is dedicated to reducing prejudice, improving intergroup relations and supporting equitable school experiences for our nation’s children.”
  • National School Climate Center (NSCC)
    “NSCC is an organization that helps schools integrate crucial social and emotional learning with academic instruction.”
  • America’s Promise Alliance
    “America’s Promise Alliance is devoted to helping to create the conditions for success for all young people, including the millions currently being left behind.”
  • Effective Alternative in Reconciliation Services (EARS)
    “Effective Alternative in Reconciliation Services (EARS) is a Bronx-based organization that has been providing essential violence prevention and intervention services to young people, their families, and staff in NYC schools and community based organizations for 27 years.”
  • American School Counselor Association (ASCA)
    “The American School Counselor Association (ASCA) supports school counselors’ efforts to help students focus on academic, career and social/emotional development so they achieve success in school and are prepared to lead fulfilling lives as responsible members of society.”
  • Facing History and Ourselves
    “We help students learn about racism, anti-Semitism, and prejudice so they can prevent it from happening in the future.”
  • International Alliance for Invitational Education (IAIE)
    “The International Alliance for Invitational Education® is a not-for-profit, worldwide organization of educators and allied professionals who are dedicated to creating, sustaining, and enhancing positive environments that cordially summon people to realize their full potential.
  • National Center on Safe Supportive Learning Environments
    U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Safe and Healthy Students’ center to address issues including bullying, harassment, violence, and substance abuse.
    A federal government website managed by the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
  • American Federation of Teachers Bullying Prevention page
  • National Education Association Bullying Prevention page
  • National PTA Bullying Prevention page
  • Go Noodle
    Video content channels with lots of fun resources to support social-emotional learning
  • Brain Pop and Brain Pop Jr.
    A mix of free and paid video based material across all subject areas and in Spanish. Health topics include bullying, conflict resolution, peer pressure, stress and more.
    Tons of animated rap videos about various subject areas including “life skills” which includes a growing section on social emotional learning.
  • Engaging Schools
    Formerly known as Educators for Social Responsibility, Engaging Schools collaborates with educators to create school communities where each and every student develops the skills and mindsets needed to succeed and make positive contributions in school, work, and life.
  • Foundation for Respect Ability
    Modeled after Operation Respect, the Foundation for Respect Ability seeks to convert “bystanders” into “upstanders”
  • Bystander Revolution
    Bystander Revolution is a website offering practical, crowd sourced advice about simple things individuals can do to defuse bullying and help shift the culture.
  • Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools
    Special Olympics Project UNIFY® is an education and sports based strategy powered by an engaged youth community that increases athletic and leadership opportunities for students with and without intellectual disabilities, while creating communities of acceptance for all.
  • The Center for Resilient Leadership
    The mission of The Center for Resilient Leadership is to teach people about the brain in order to help them to make more mindfully resilient choices.
  • Born This Way Foundation
    Born This Way Foundation is committed to supporting the wellness of young people and empowering them to create a kinder and braver world. They achieve this by shining a light on real people, quality research, and authentic partnerships.
  • Sandy Hook Promise
    Sandy Hook Promise educates and empowers parents, schools and community organizations on how to prevent gun violence before it happens by delivering and advocating for mental health and wellness early intervention programs, gun safety storage practices and sensible state and federal policy.
  • AAA State of Play’s Guide to Bullying Prevention
    A nice collection of resources from a company which sells playground equipment.
  • Envision Kindness
    The mission of Envision Kindness is to promote and inspire kindness in the pursuit of a happier, healthier, and more prosperous world for all. Using strategies rooted in the humanities and behavioral science research, their unique blend of activities is intended to increase the presence of kindness, empathy, and compassion in peoples’ lives.
  • Cultural Jambalaya
    Cultural Jambalaya’s free educational series, “Windows & Mirrors,” uses compelling global photography and narratives to break down cultural barriers by promoting understanding and respect for all people.  Videos and study guides are available at no charge at